2024 Sponsorship Levels
Commander-in-Chief – $15,000 (Sold)
- Up to 16 Golfers at the Southeast North Carolina (SENC) Veterans Parade Golf Tournament to be held October 14, 2024, at Landfall Country Club
- Signage on every tee box (18) at golf tournament
- 1 – 10’ x 10’ booth/tent space at golf tournament registration
- Opportunity to address the golfers following the national anthem
- PrivateHalf Day Fishing Charter (6 People) – 6 hour trolling trip operated by Fish Witch Charters (1)
- Individual banner at the golf tournament & along the parade route (2)
- Full page ad in parade program
- Your logo with priority placement on our website
- Multiple individual sponsorship announcements on all social media outlets (Facebook, Instagram) leading up to the parade
- Up to 2 – 10’ x 10’ booth/tent spaces at the SENC After Event Festival, for prime visibility
- Use of USS North Carolina (BB55) Replica for your business advertising event (3)
- Custom Wooden American Flag – Signed by the SENC Veteran’s Day Parade Committee. Framed Liberty Wooden American Flag measures 15 1/4″ H x 23 1/2″ W
- Certificate of Appreciation from the SENC Veterans Parade Committee
General – $10,000 (Limited to Two)
- Up to 12 Golfers at the Southeast North Carolina (SENC) Veterans Parade Golf Tournament to be held October 14, 2024, at Landfall Country Club
- Signage on every other tee box (9) at golf tournament
- 1 – 10’ x 10’ booth/tent space at golf tournament registration
- Opportunity to present golf tournament prizes
- Day at the Range (4 people) – Indoor Shooting Range Excursion (4)
- Individual banner at the golf tournament & along the parade route (2)
- 1/2 page ad (5” H x 7-1/2” W) in parade program
- Your logo prominently placed on our website
- Multiple individual sponsorship announcements on all social media outlets (Facebook, Instagram) leading up to the parade
- 1 – 10’ x 10’ booth/tent space at the SENC After Event Festival, for prime visibility
- Custom Wooden Desk American Flag – Signed by the SENC Veteran’s Day Parade Committee. Wood desk flag measures 5 3/4″ H x 9 3/4″ W
- Certificate of Appreciation from the SENC Veterans Parade Committee
Colonel – $7,500
- Up to 8 Golfers at the Southeast North Carolina (SENC) Veterans Parade Golf Tournament to be held October 14, 2024, at Landfall Country Club
- Signage on the putting green at golf tournament
- Signage on 6 holes at golf tournament
- Logo/Name prominently displayed on the SENC group banner at the golf tournament & along the parade route (2)
- 1/4 page ad (5” H x 3-5/8” W or 2-1/2” H x 7-1/2” W) in parade program
- Your logo prominently placed on our website
- Multiple individual sponsorship announcements on all social media outlets (Facebook, Instagram) leading up to the parade
- 1 – 10’ x 10’ booth/tent space at the SENC After Event Festival
- Certificate of Appreciation from the SENC Veterans Parade Committee
Major – $5,000
- Up to 4 Golfers at the Southeast North Carolina (SENC) Veterans Parade Golf Tournament to be held October 14, 2024, at Landfall Country Club
- Signage on 3 holes at golf tournament
- Logo/Name prominently displayed on the SENC group banner at the golf tournament & along the parade route (2)
- 1/6 Page Ad (3-1/4” H x 3-5/8” W) in parade program
- Your logo placed on our website
- Individual sponsorship announcement on all social media outlets (Facebook, Instagram) leading up to the parade
- 1 – 10’ x 10’ booth/tent space at the SENC After Event Festival
- Certificate of Appreciation from the SENC Veterans Parade Committee
Captain – $2,500
- Logo/Name displayed on the SENC group banner at the golf tournament & along the parade route (2)
- 1/8 Page Ad (2-1/2” H x 3-5/8” W) in parade program
- Your logo placed on our website
- Group sponsorship announcement on all social media outlets (Facebook, Instagram) leading up to the parade
- Certificate of Appreciation from the SENC Veterans Parade Committee
Customized Sponsor Levels
The SENC Veterans Parade Committee is committed to partnering with your organization on customized sponsorship during the parade and for our other events. Items to include but not be limited to:
Flyover Sponsorship – $3000 (5) (Limited to One)
- Title Sponsorship of The Bandit Flight Team flyover prior to the SENC Veterans Parade
- Logo/Name displayed on the SENC group banner at the golf tournament & along the parade route (2)
- 1/8 Page Ad (2-1/2” H x 3-5/8” W) in parade program
- Your logo placed on our website
- Sponsorship announcement on all social media outlets (Facebook, Instagram) leading up to the parade
- Certificate of Appreciation from the SENC Veterans Parade Committee
Golf Towel Sponsorship – $2300 or more (Limited to One) (6)
- Logo/Name displayed on 150 golf towels at the Southeast North Carolina (SENC) Veterans Parade Golf Tournament to be held October 14, 2024, at Landfall Country Club
- 1/8 Page Ad (2-1/2” H x 3-5/8” W) in parade program
Golf Ball Sponsorship – $2500 or more (Limited to One) (7)
- Logo/Name displayed on 36 dozen golf balls at the Southeast North Carolina (SENC) Veterans Parade Golf Tournament to be held October 14, 2024, at Landfall Country Club
- 1/8 Page Ad (2-1/2” H x 3-5/8” W) in Parade Program
Golf Tournament Beverage Sponsorship – $1500 (Limited to One)
- Logo/Name displayed on the beverage carts at the Southeast North Carolina (SENC) Veterans Parade Golf Tournament to be held October 14, 2024, at Landfall Country Club
- 1/8 Page Ad (2-1/2” H x 3-5/8” W) in Parade Program
Marching Band Travel Sponsorship – $500
- Marching Bands often need help for travel in order to participate in events. Your name will be announced as a sponsor for one of our marching bands as they march along the parade route.
- Half Day Fishing Charter (6 hour trolling): Fish Witch Charters off of Carolina Beach, NC. The Fish Witch II and the SS Fish Witch II can carry up to six people. They provide everything you need except food and beverages. Half day trips take passengers nearshore trolling for Spanish Mackerel, Blue Fish, and King Mackerel. Shark fishing is also fun on these trips during the summer months. Note: Crew tips & fish cleaning services are not included.
- Banner sizes are: 3’ x 7-1/2’. Sponsorship must be secured no later than September 30, 2024, in order for your logo to appear on banners at the golf tournament & along the parade route.
- Use of the BB55 for any other parade or events will be subject to the following: Transportation to and from the event or parade would be performed by BB55 Replica Restoration LLC designated personnel. There will be a fee for transportation charges to and from any events and if the BB55 is to be driven in a parade or event the driver must be a BB55 designated driver. Fees for these items will be determined on an individual basis.
- Day at the Range: Two hours of private lane time at an indoor shooting facility for up to 4 people. Note: Targets, guns & ammunition are not included.
- In the event that The Bandit Flight Team is unable to attend due to weather, the Parade Committee will offer a $500 refund (if requested) and all the attributes of our Captain sponsorship level will be honored
- The amount would depend on the golf towel and logo type chosen.
- The amount would depend on the golf ball and logo type chosen.
Sponsorship Interest
If you are interested sponsoring the Southeast North Carolina Veterans Parade and/or related activities, please submit your name and email address. A member of the organizing committee will be in touch to discuss sponsorhip levels and benefits. Thank you for your interest.