Frequently Asked Questions
And Banner Requirements
The New Hanover County Veterans Council is proud to support our veterans and those who currently serve in the military. The Veteran Banner Project salutes those brave men and women by displaying full-color, double-sided tribute banners. The banners will be exhibited in select locations between May and December. The life of the banner is expected to be three years.
Eligibility requirements:
The Honoree or their family (Sponsor of the banner) must have a New Hanover County address.
The Honoree must currently serve or have served in a branch of the U.S. Armed Forces, including those who are retired, honorably discharged, missing in action, prisoners of war, or killed in action.
How to apply:
Complete the application form on the Southeast North Carolina Veterans Parade website.
To be submitted with the application:
A digitized color or black and white photograph of the Honoree in uniform. The photo must be of the Honoree only. The photo needs to be scanned at a resolution of 150 dpi or greater in a jpeg format and saved in the Honoree’s name.
Evidence of the Honoree’s military service such as a completed DD214 form, a separation qualification record, or a certification of military services from the National Archives & Records Administration. If these documents are unobtainable, printed acknowledgement of military service, such as a documentation in an obituary in a published newspaper, may be submitted.
Payment of $175 made through our application or by mailing a check to:
NHC Veterans Council
PO Box 7975
Wilmington, NC 28406
Additional information and requirements:
The life of the banner is expected to be three years. Banners will be hung in May and taken down in December. The integrity of the banner will be examined when taken down. If the banner is still intact and color-rich, it will be rehung the following year. If the banner is damaged or faded it will be returned to the Sponsor and the Sponsor will be given the chance to order a new banner for display.
A draft version of the banner will be sent to the Sponsor who is responsible for proofreading the wording for accuracy prior to printing. The wording must be approved by the Sponsor for the banner to be printed. The bottom of the banner allows for the Sponsor or family to be named in the Proudly Honored By __ section.
Banners will be displayed on poles within New Hanover County.
The NHC Veterans Council is not responsible for the banner. Each Sponsor will be accountable for replacing the banner for display if it becomes tattered, torn or destroyed by natural or unnatural events.
Only banners ordered through this program will be displayed.
Banner placement cannot be guaranteed on a particular street or location.
Every effort will be made to include all banner requests, but in the event that the number of qualified applications exceeds available space designated for this program, the New Hanover County Veterans Council reserves the right to determine the final placement of banners at its sole discretion.